29 Jun Saturday, 20 Uhr Philharmonie Berlin, Kammermusiksaal

Da Capo – Hans-Christoph Rademann: Traum vom ewigen Frieden

RIAS Kammerchor

The dream of peace is forcefully present in Karl Amadeus Hartmann's "Friede Anno 48", a composition that he wrested from the desperation of the years after 1933. By contrast, the RIAS Kammerchor Berlin will perform Heinrich Schütz's "Musikalische Exequien" [Funeral Music], which contains the longing for the peace of the soul in the kingdom of heaven.


Heinrich Schütz
Da pacem Domine SWV 465
Heinrich Schütz
“Musikalische Exequien” op. 7
Karl Amadeus Hartmann
Friede Anno 48
für Sopransolo, Chor und Klavier
nach Texten von Andreas Gryphius


Hans-Christoph Rademann, Conductor RIAS Kammerchor, Choir Philip Mayers, Pianist Sarah Maria Sun, Soprano Stephan Rath, Lute Michaela Hasselt, Organ Matthias Müller-Mohr, Violoncello Matthias Müller-Mohr, Violone Helen Collyer, Piano

Visitors’ Service

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Openin hours
Monday to Friday
9 am – 6 pm

Charlottenstraße 56
10117 Berlin

+49 30 202 987 10

Philharmonie Berlin, Kammermusiksaal

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    The Berlin Philharmonie's "little brother"

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